Offices & Administrations
Hvis du skaber et friskt, sundt og sikkert indeklima for dine medarbejdere, kolleger. Med vores løsninger til alle typer af ventilations- og genvindingsanlæg. Eller stand alone unit, som frit kan placeres der hvor i opholder jer. Således kan du skabe de optimale forhold for dem, så de er i stand til at yde deres bedste hele dagen igennem.
Vi kan hjælpe jer med at nedsætte spredningen af vira- og bakterie direkte fra person til person (eks. RNS, Covid, Influenza)
Vi kan hjælpe jer med at holde den generelle luft i hele rummet rent for eksempelvis pollen og støvpartikler samt andre skadelige partikler (<3my).

Countless placement options
Whether it's renovation of existing ventilation systems or new systems, our solutions can be installed without much planning.

air • CARE T1-90
air - CARE T1-90 captures and cleans the air between people sitting at the same table. The unit is specially designed for installation at meeting and conference tables, among other things, where it creates a fresh, healthy and safe environment for those sitting around the table.
It works by sucking the air that passes between people across the table. Once the air is sucked into the unit, the air particles are cleaned using UVC rays and, at the same time, the air is refreshed using ionisation. Finally, fresh, clean air is sent back into the room.
Integrable solutions
Igennem et samarbejde med HolmrisB8 er der lavet en løsning, som nemt kan inddrages i alle miljøer med æstetikken i fokus, hvor der eksempelvis ikke er ventilation eller der ønskes højere niveau af sikkerhed mellem mennesker. Alt sammen for at skabe et optimalt indeklima.

Airthings for Business
Taking control of your indoor air quality has never been easier
Poor indoor air quality is associated with poorer health and lower productivity, and can be a sign of wasted energy.
86% rate indoor air quality as one of the most important factors for comfort.

Nudging is a method where knowledge and tools are actively used to influence the behaviour of users in a desired direction.
The invisible indoor environment is made visible by sensors. Building managers or employees are given the opportunity to take active steps to improve the indoor environment and thus the workplace.
Can we help you achieve a healthier indoor environment?
Can we help you achieve a healthier indoor environment?
We work in all sectors and with companies of all sizes, who want to enhance health and well-being in the rooms we are in.
Get in touch to find out what solutions might suit you.