

Inspired by nature

Naturally occurring ions are everywhere outdoors and they are constantly working to clean the air. Ions are created in nature with energy from running water, crashing waves and even sunlight.

Via NPBI (Needlepoint Bipolar ionization) ion generator, som genererer og bringer naturens kvaliteter indenfor og herved sikres et friskt, sundt og sikkert indeklima.

Dette uden at producere ozon (UL2998) eller andre skadelige biprodukter, da der med denne teknologi anvendes SOFT Ionisering som sikre at der ikke sker en evt. spaltning af molekylerne.


There's something in the air...

An ion is a particle that is electrically charged. Ions are molecules that have gained or lost an electric charge. They are created in nature as air molecules and are released due to sunlight, radiation and movement in air and water. An example might be in the forest, where the air is extra fresh during a thunderstorm, due to lightning producing huge amounts of ions. It is the negatively charged ions that give us a sense of well-being, and at the same time have been shown to be beneficial to our health, fitness, job satisfaction and mood.

Negative ions are basically oxygen ions with an extra electron attached, produced by water molecules. That's why there are so many of them around fresh, flowing water supplies like rivers, streams, seas and waterfalls. It also explains why taking a bath or a swim can be so refreshing when we feel tired.

It is precisely this fresh air and feeling that ETOS air will bring into the office, meeting room, classroom, etc., thereby achieving a much more energetic air quality.

Ionisation is nature's way of maintaining optimal living conditions for plants, animals and humans. This allows us to absorb and use oxygen much better. You know it from the fresh rush of the sea or the beautiful air of the beech forest. Here, you can really feel the fresh air (air filled with negative ions), which increases the amount of serotonin in the body and so gives the feeling of happiness that can be felt.

The particles are highly reactive and act as an oxidant (without chemicals). The ionised air reacts with organic molecular chains, such as fungal spores, bacteria and viruses, or even odour molecules. These chains are broken up and made harmless.

Samtidig når disse ioner fylder et lokale, skabes der bindinger med partikler i luften gennem en proces kaldet agglomeration. Dette skaber en sneboldeffekt, hvor partikler begynder at klynge sig sammen. Jo større klyngen af partikler bliver, jo lettere er det for dit system at filtrere det ud af luften og eller de flader til jorden.

Når vi dimensionerer jeres anlæg, bestræber vi os på et niveau af ioner (needlepoint bipolar ionization), som var det ude i naturen, hvilket svarer til omkring 1000 – 2000 ioner pr. kubikcentimeter. 

Headaches, insomnia, low stress threshold and limited ability to concentrate are just some of the conditions that are associated with spending a lot of time indoors. You thought it was because of your job, right? But scientists believe it may very well be due to a too low concentration of negative ions.

The highest concentrations of negative ions are found in the fresh air, whereas the highest concentrations of positive ions are found in polluted cities, in office environments, institutions, cars and more.

When we dimension your plant, we strive at a level as if it were out in nature, which corresponds to about 500 -1000 ions per. cubic centimeters.

The negative ions contribute, among other things, to…

  • to neutralize free radicals (chemically unstable molecules, which in turn can harm the body)
  • strengthen cell metabolism (excretes toxins from the body)
  • to strengthen the immune system
  • purify the blood
  • balance the autonomic nervous system (one of the causes of stress)
  • promote deep sleep
  • strengthen digestion
  • increase the level of serotonin in the blood (counteracts depression and feelings of stress), etc.

In addition, they have a positive effect on lung function, activate hormone production and improve the airways. They help to heal wounds faster and kill bacteria and viruses before they have time to mutate.
ions indoors
ions outdoors
ions by thunder and lightning
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What is ionization?

An ion is a particle that is electrically charged. Ions are molecules that have gained or lost an electric charge. They are created in nature as air molecules and are released due to sunlight, radiation and movement in air and water. An example might be in the forest, where the air is extra fresh during a thunderstorm, due to lightning producing huge amounts of ions. It is the negatively charged ions that give us a sense of well-being, and at the same time have been shown to be beneficial to our health, fitness, job satisfaction and mood.

Negative ioner er helt basalt ilt-ioner med en ekstra elektron vedhæftet, produceret gennem vandmolekyler. Det er derfor, der er så mange af dem ved friske, flydende vandforsyninger som floder, vandløb, hav og vandfald. Det forklarer bl.a. også, hvorfor det kan være så forfriskende at tage et bad eller en svømmetur, når vi føler os trætte.

Det er netop denne friske luft og fornemmelse, vi bringer ind på kontoret, i møde- eller undervisningslokalet og lignende, og derved opnå en meget mere energirig og god luftkvalitet.

Ionisering er naturens måde at opretholde de optimale levevilkår for planter, dyr og mennesker. Dette gør, at vi langt bedre kan absorbere og udnytte ilten. Du kender det fra det friske sus fra havet eller den skønne luft i bøgeskoven. Her kan du virkelig fornemme den friske luft (luft fyldt med ioner), som bl.a. øger mængden af serotonin i kroppen og herved giver den lykkefølelse, som kan fornemmes.

How does ionization work, in short?

Partiklerne er stærkt reaktive og fungerer som et oxidationsmiddel (uden kemi). Den ioniserede luft reagerer med organiske molekylære kæder, som svampesporer, bakterier og vira eller endda lugtmolekyler. Disse kæder brydes op og gøres harmløse, helt uden skadelige bi-produkter. 

At the same time as these ions fill a room, bonds are formed with particles in the air through a process called agglomeration. This creates a snowball effect where particles start to cluster together. The bigger the cluster of particles gets, the easier it is for your system to filter it out of the air or they fall to the ground.

Når vi dimensionerer jeres anlæg, bestræber vi os på et niveau af ioner, som var det ude i naturen, hvilket svarer til omkring 1000 – 2000 ioner pr. kubikcentimeter. 

Hvilke gener kan ionisering bl.a. modvirke?

Headaches, insomnia, low stress levels and poor concentration are just some of the conditions associated with spending a lot of time indoors. You thought it was because of your job, didn't you? But scientists think it may well be due to too low a concentration of negative ions.

The negative ions contribute to:

neutralise free radicals (chemically unstable molecules, which can eventually damage the body)

strengthen cell metabolism (excretes toxins from the body)

strengthen the immune system

purify the blood

balance the autonomic nervous system (one of the causes of stress)

promote deep sleep

strengthen digestion

increase the level of serotonin in the blood (counteracts depression and feelings of stress), etc.

a positive influence on lung function, activate hormone production and improve the respiratory system

help wounds heal faster and kill bacteria and viruses before they mutate