About us

About us

Value for you

ETOS air does everything to create safe indoor climate conditions where people meet and work. We provide opportunities for social and professional togetherness in a safe environment, which creates value for all parties.

Advice to fresh healthy safe indoor climate


ETOS air creates the framework for a fresh, healthy and safe indoor climate, so that people can meet and work with a minimal risk of being infected by airborne and unwanted viruses as well as bacteria.


ETOS • air vil være den mest attraktive og efterspurgte rådgiver til skabelse af godt indeklima – i alle typer og størrelser af ventilations- og genvindingsanlæg samt integrerbare og stationære luftrensere til blandt andet kontorer, hoteller, undervisningslokaler, stor- og indkøbscentre med mere.

Who are we?

Jacob Wendelin Lauridsen

Jacob Wendelin Lauridsen

Phone no.: (+45) 2515 4004
E-mail:  jwla@airteam.dk

Jacob Wendelin Lauridsen
Phone no.: (+45) 2515 4004
E-mail: jacob@etos-air.com

Can we help you achieve a healthier indoor environment?

Can we help you achieve a healthier indoor environment?
We work in all sectors and with companies of all sizes, who want to enhance health and well-being in the rooms we are in.
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