ETOS air does everything to create safe indoor climate conditions where people meet and work. We provide opportunities for social and professional togetherness in a safe environment, which creates value for all parties.
ETOS air creates the framework for a fresh, healthy and safe indoor climate, so that people can meet and work with a minimal risk of being infected by airborne and unwanted viruses as well as bacteria.
ETOS • air vil være den mest attraktive og efterspurgte rådgiver til skabelse af godt indeklima – i alle typer og størrelser af ventilations- og genvindingsanlæg samt integrerbare og stationære luftrensere til blandt andet kontorer, hoteller, undervisningslokaler, stor- og indkøbscentre med mere.
Can we help you achieve a healthier indoor environment?
We work in all sectors and with companies of all sizes, who want to enhance health and well-being in the rooms we are in.
Kontakt og hør, hvilke løsninger der passer dig.
Gunnar Clausens Vej 34B, 8260 Viby
CVR. nr.: 20953233
Opening hours
Monday to Friday 08.00 to 16.00
Banking information
Danske Bank 4387
Kontonr.: 0011459846
IBAN: DK60 3000 0011 4598 46
Gunnar Clausens Vej 34B, 8260 Viby
CVR. nr.: 20953233
Opening hours
Monday to Friday 08.00 to 16.00
Banking information
Danske Bank 4387
Kontonr.: 0011459846
IBAN: DK60 3000 0011 4598 46